
Bedřichovský Night Light Marathon is back! ČEZ SkiTour announces the race calendar for 2024


The largest Czech cross-country skiing series, ČEZ SkiTour, has released the official schedule of races for the upcoming season. Fans of the white track can look forward to 8 races, among which the popular Night Light Marathon in Bedřichov returns after a one-year break. Just 14 days later, the biggest stop of the entire SkiTour - ČEZ Jizerská 50 - will also kick off in the same location.

The 17th season of ČEZ SkiTour will take competitors through various Czech mountain ranges across the country and even beyond its borders. The organizers for the winter of 2024 not only include tried and tested destinations but also bring back a special night race in the heart of the Jizera Mountains.

The new season will open on the weekend of January 13th - 14th with a race at Horní Mísečky, which was added to the SkiTour family for the first time in February this year. The tracks will once again lead through the Krkonoše National Park around Labská bouda and Medvědín. The second stop will be Cínovec, with its traditional Krušnohorská 30, held a week later. The competitors will ski along the Krušnohorská magistrála and partially visit neighbors in Germany. The January schedule will conclude on the last weekend with the aforementioned Bedřichovský Night Light Marathon, a fully nocturnal race with headlamps, following the tracks of the legendary Jizerská 50.

On the first Saturday of February, ČEZ SkiTour will set up its base in Deštné, where the jubilee 40th edition of the Orlický marathon will take place. Just four days later, on Thursday, February 8th, the most famous winter sports event in our country, ČEZ Jizerská 50, will kick off in full swing. The four-day phenomenon will offer a rich program both on the tracks and in the background and surroundings.

On the weekend of February 24th - 25th, the series will move to the Jeseníky Mountains. The Jesenický lyžařský maraton, known as JeLyMan, will start from the Paprsek chalet and guide skiers through the beautiful surroundings at the borders of Králický Sněžník, Rychlebské hory, and Hrubý Jeseník. After the subsequent Polish Bieg Piastów, which is again a partner race of ČEZ SkiTour, the entire season will conclude with races in Harrachov on March 8th - 9th. Skiers will cruise through the trails around the Harrachov ski jumps and then enjoy the final awards ceremony for the overall results of the series.

Schedule of ČEZ SkiTour races:



Horní Mísečky, Krkonoše

January 13th - 14th, 2024

Krušnohorská 30, Cínovec

January 20th - 21st, 2024

Bedřichovský Night Light Marathon, Jizerské hory

January 26th - 27th, 2024

Orlický maraton, Deštné v Orl. horách

February 3rd - 4th, 2024

ČEZ Jizerská 50

February 8th - 11th, 2024

JeLyMan, Jeseníky

February 24th - 25th, 2024

Bieg Piastów, Jakuszyce

March 1st - 3rd, 2024

Harrachov, Krkonoše 

March 8th - 9th, 2024

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